Browsing Tag


  • Rosé and Mezcal Spritz

    The combination of mezcal and rosé is beautiful. I have down it as a boilermaker- or shot and glass of wine- but making it into spritz is a refreshing way to enjoy both of…

    June 9, 2023
  • Spirited Women: Nicky Beyries

    The tide is slowly turning, can you feel it? A change for good, a change that will hopefully positively impact and empower more then half of the country and world. I am talking about…

    March 8, 2018
  • Epic Fall Cheese Plate

    I am no stranger to a cheese plate (see here and here), in fact, you could say it’s my favorite meal. No shame! But when it comes to Thanksgiving and hearty fall meals, you…

    November 23, 2016
  • 3 Spooky Squid Ink Cocktails

    Happy Halloween! What are you dressing up as this year? And an even better question, what are you drinking to celebrate?! How about a black cocktail! There are a few ways to achieve truly black cocktails:…

    October 31, 2016
  • { Welcome to The } Jungle Bird

    Welcome to the Jungle, we’ve got fun and games, and a lip smacking drink that will cool you down even in the tropics! Today, Tiki has gone a little bit bitter. No, it wasn’t snubbed…

    August 5, 2015
  • Negroni Week- The Boulevardier

    Negroni Week is celebrated every year with much excitement and buzz. The Negroni is a beautiful and vibrant, yet bitter drink that has captured the hearts the world over, although, it is one of those…

    June 3, 2015
  • Low ABV Cocktails- Basil & Peach Apertief

    Last weekend I was invited to Fig & Thistle to attend a low ABV cocktail class. Fig & Thistle is one of my absolute favorite wine bars in the city! It’s a cozy, quaint…

    May 31, 2015