Browsing Tag


  • Hot Brown Buttered Rum

    Brrrr, is it me, or did winter finally decide to join the party? I finally brought out my heavy, wool coat which means it’s time for some warming beverages to help combat that chill.…

    January 19, 2016
  • Hot Brown Buttered Rum Batter recipe

    What’s better than a Hot Buttered Rum you ask? How about a Hot Brown Buttered Rum? Yeah, waaaay better! What ever magic happens when the milk solids turn a golden brown, the butter becomes…

    January 19, 2016
  • Hot Buttered Rum + Creamy Batter

    There are two tribes when it comes to Hot Buttered Rum. You have the butter only people, and you have the creamy batter people. Which one are you? I have one foot on either side…

    December 16, 2015
  • Apple Cider Old Fashioned

      It is no secret the way to my heart is a good Old Fashioned (seen here and here), but sometimes you have to spice things up (literally in this case) to rekindle your love after…

    November 25, 2015