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creme de cacao

  • Angostura Swizzle Royale & Matcha Swizzle Recipe

    Who doesn’t love a good swizzle?! I sure can’t resist them! Swizzles are, as the Trader Vic once observed, “the most delightful form of anesthesia given out today.” Cheers to that! If you have not been…

    August 28, 2018
  • Frozen 20th Century Cocktail with Rum

    I don’t care who you are, but sometimes a frozen drink is not only a necessary evil, but just necessary. Not to mention fun and delicious AF! Not all frozen drinks are made the…

    April 25, 2017
  • Irish Hopper Cocktail for St. Patrick’s Day

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! As an Irish lass, today means more then getting sloshed on whiskey + wearing green, although I will be partaking in the motherland’s golden liquid rest assured! I whipped up…

    March 17, 2017
  • Meyer Lemon White Chocolate Tart Cocktail

    The Meyer Lemon White Chocolate Tart Cocktail is a creamy, lemony cocktail with a graham cracker rim. It’s a dessert cocktail that won’t give you cavities, perfectly balanced without being saccharine.  Meyer lemons add a…

    March 9, 2017
  • Candy Cane Cocktail

    Christmas is right around the corner so thoughts of sugar plums and candy canes have been dancing in my head, ’tis the season for holidays, good cheer, and candy canes after all! I made this…

    December 15, 2016
  • 3 Spooky Squid Ink Cocktails

    Happy Halloween! What are you dressing up as this year? And an even better question, what are you drinking to celebrate?! How about a black cocktail! There are a few ways to achieve truly black cocktails:…

    October 31, 2016