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  • Pineapple Dragon Fruit Margarita

    As a continuation of celebrating National Margarita Day, I have another cocktail for you that might be even prettier than it tastes, the Pineapple Dragon Fruit Margarita! Have you ever had dragon fruit before? It…

    February 22, 2016
  • National Margarita Day- Classic Margarita Recipe

    ¡Hola amigos, feliz día nacional margarita! This is one made up holiday I can get behind (and I can put to use my almost-forgotten high school Spanish.) I have always been confused why Margarita…

    February 22, 2016
  • So Long Summer Cocktail for SFGirlByBay

    I may be stubborn, but I am just not ready to let go of summer just yet. I used to be a fall devote through and through, but summer this year was way too good to…

    October 1, 2015
  • Boozy Popsicles For Summer

    Popsicles are the quintessential treat of Summer. Sure there is watermelon, stone fruit pies, and ice cream sandwiches, but nothing beats sitting by the pool, toes in the sand at the beach, or hanging out…

    May 29, 2015